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Naokeidoe Creations

Handcrafted Soap, Bath & Body, Hair Care, Home Goods and Style

  1. Sweating, Body Odor and Apocrine Glands

    Sweat is essential to human survival and serves as the body’s coolant, protecting it from overheating. There are two to four million sweat glands distributed all over our bodies.  You skin has two main types of sweat glands; Eccrine and Apocrine.  Eccrine sweat glands are far more numerous and occur on virtually all skin surfaces. Sweating on your forehead, back...
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  2. African Black Soap Facts

      An Ancient African Beauty Secret African Black Soap is familiar to many people of African descent for its skin care benefits.  It has been known to soothe skin irritations and diseases from simple rashes to contact dermatitis and psoriasis, as well as fading skin discolorations and evening out skin tone. Nigerians and Ghanaians have used black soap for centuries for bathing...
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  3. How does commercial soap compare to Naokeidoe Creations Soap

    This comparison chart has been circling the web for many, many years.  I first started sharing with it our customers back in 2013 or 2014 that long ago.  All of it still holds true today.  Do you know what's in your soap and what you're putting on your body? If not, this will help. HOW DOES COMMERCIAL SOAP COMPARE TO...
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